One in six brand purchases are made when a display with that brand is present in the store and 56% of the customers remember seeing an in-store display. No wonder major brands worldwide work with instore displays. Counter advertising is one of them. It’s the best way to reach customers right at the checkout. The ultra-thin counter mat fixture called DeskWindo has been tried and tested for more than 20 years. Post offices, convenience stores, pharmacies, gas stations and supermarkets, that’s where you can find the DeskWindo poster displays. Let us tell you about the successful implementation of DeskWindo’s counter mat fixtures by brands worldwide.
Mc Donald’s
For many years now our DeskWindo counter mats have been helping the fast food restaurants of McDonald’s in Hungary to get their message across. Right at the checkout, where it gets the most attention. The ultra-thin poster display lies snug on their counter surfaces. This allows McDonald’s to effectively display their menu and promotions.
Spanish gas station chain Repsol made good use of counter advertising. Repsol draws attention to their loyalty card by having a clear message with a DeskWindo at the checkout. In Spain they have 4 languages, so it comes in handy that the gas stations can provide each counter display with the right language.
CVS Pharmacy
At CVS Pharmacy in the US each check-out counter is equipped with a DeskWindo counter display. The US largest drugstore chain uses the DeskWindo to draw attention to their special 'care pass'. Especially for CVS we provided each display with a customer poster after production. Even the packaging was modified so that each branch could easily be supplied with the right number of DeskWindo's, including placement instructions. Turn-key!
Global leader in telecommunications Telco uses counter advertising in their T-mobile shops in the Netherlands to give more information about their products. T-Mobile offers heaps of different choices in telecommunication. Our DeskWindo’s at the service desks help the store employees explain.
The US postal offices (USPS) choose to share important and interesting information with its customers through a DeskWindo counter fixture on each counter. In that way they know for sure that the message will be seen. Another huge reason to choose for the DeskWindo to get their messages across, is the fact that it gives them the opportunity to change the content within just seconds.
Wanna know more about the successful implementation of DeskWindo’s at other retailers and brands worldwide? Happy to share!